
At Indeed, diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values integral to our mission—to help create workplaces where everyone has equal opportunity, access and employment.

Committed to making a real impact, we are using our extensive reach to convene partnerships and create conversations that can drive change.

Disability inclusion often takes a backseat in DEIB discussions, especially in Indian workplaces where stigma, infrastructure gaps, and limited policy implementation pose significant challenges.

For individuals with invisible disabilities—suchas mental health conditions or chronic illnesses—these barriers can be even greater.
Addressing these issues is essential for fostering truly diverse and inclusive teams.

Initiative 1

We partnered with EnAble India, creators of Incluzza, a comprehensive solution that helps organizations create actionable inclusion and accessibility strategies.

We partnered with EnAble India, creators of Incluzza, a comprehensive solution that helps organizations create actionable inclusion and accessibility strategies. As part of this collaboration, we conducted a webinar featuring experts from Incluzza, where we discussed key
challenges faced by PwDs in workplaces and practicalstrategies to eliminate barriers and foster a culture of acceptance.

ABOUT Indeed

Indeed is the #1 job site worldwide*

Where people come to research companies, post resumes, and apply for jobs. Indeed helps people get jobs, and helps you build great teams.

Indeed was built on the belief that there’s always a better way to connect the people looking for jobs with the companies that are hiring, whether those connections are made virtually or in person.

At Indeed, we believe great teams can change the world and we’re passionate about helping you build great

*Comscore, Total Visits, March 2024

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